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SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) in Zendesk (SP) | Magento – Zendesk SSO Login

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Zendesk SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) with Magento as SAML IdP . Magento SAML IdP extenstion gives you the ability to use your Magento credentials to login into Zendesk (SP). Here we will go through a step-by-step guide to configure SSO between Zendesk as SP (Service Provider) and Magento as IDP (Identity Provider).

Pre-requisites: Download and Installation

Installation using Composer:
  • Purchase the miniOrange SAML IDP Single Sign-On extension from magento marketplace.
  • Go to My profile -> My Purchases
  • Please ensure you are using correct access keys (My Profile - Access Keys)
  • Paste the access keys in your auth.json file inside your project
  • Use the below command to add the extension to your project.
    "composer require {module_name}:{version}"
  • You can see the module name and list of versions in the selector below the extension module name.
  • Run the following commands on command prompt to enable the extension.
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Manual Installation:
  • Download the miniOrange SAML IDP Single Sign-On extension.
  • Unzip all contents of the zip inside the MiniOrange/IDPSaml directory.
  • {Root Directory of Magento} app code MiniOrange IDPSaml
  • Run the following commands on command prompt to enable the extension
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Steps to configure Zendesk SAML Single Sign-on ( SSO ) Login into Magento 2

1. Configure Zendesk as Service Provider

  • Go to and Login to your Zendesk domain.
  • Click on the Settings icon in the left pane.
  • Then select Security in the Settings panel.
  • Choose the Single Sign On (SSO) option and select SAML.
  • Magento SAML IDP Admin agents
  • Enter the following details:
  • SAML SSO URL Enter SAML Login URL from the Service Provider Setup tab of the module.
    Remote logout URL Enter SAML logout URL from the Service Provider Setup tab of the module.
    Certificate Fingerprint Copy the Thumbprint of the certificate downloaded from the Service Provider Setup tab of the module. (To generate fingerprint follow the below mentioned steps)
    1. Open the certificate that was downloaded earlier.
    2. Copy all the content of the certificate and past it in any online X.509 Certificate Fingerprint generator.
    3. Copy the Thumbprint generated and past it in the Certificate Fingerprint field.
  • Click the Save to save the Single Sign-On (SSO) SAML settings.
  • Copy Assertion Consumer Service(ACS) URL and keep it handy you will need it at the time of module configuration (Highlighted in the below image)

2. Configure Magento as Identity Provider

  • In the miniOrage SAML Identity Provider extension, go to Service Provider settings tab of the extension.
  • Provide the required settings (i.e. SP Entity ID/Issuer, ACS URL) find to your Service Provider Zendesk and click on Save button to save your configuration.
  • Zendesk Single Sign-On - download xml metadata file and upload it service provider setup tab of magento

    Note: The Relaystate URL is mandatory if you want to use Identity Provider (IDP)/Magento initiated flow.

3. Attribute Mapping

  • In the Magento IDP extension, navigate to the Attribute Mapping tab.
  • In the User Attributes section, enter the following information and click on Save .
  • You can also add more attributes by clicking on + sign to add attributes.
  • Name User Meta Data
    username user_login
    displayName display_name
    email user_email
    Configure SAML SSO in Zendesk (SP) with Magento - Zendesk Single Sign on

4. SSO Testing

  • Open a new browser or private incognito window and enter your Zendesk URL, which will redirect you to the Magento login screen.
  • Enter your Magento credentials and click the log in button.
  • If you are redirected to your Zendesk start page and successfully logged in, your configuration is correct.

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